About the Book

Shooting the Moon

A Tale of Love

Experience this book’s dramatic love, sacrifice, and resilience story. From eager recruit to battle journalist, Dominic Ramano’s story shows how he deals with the cruel realities of war and the everlasting influence of family. Marianna is waiting for her husband to come back while taking care of their son and holding on to hope no matter what. Explore the strength of love and the human spirit in this incredible book.

About the Author


As a young man cleaning out his grandmother’s attic, EN HEIM found the dog-eared pages of her diary. Reading it, he felt a spark of inspiration. He decided to fulfill his grandmother’s wish and publish her story. He took a writing class and honed his skills, determined to do justice to her tale. Through this process, he discovered a new passion for writing that he had never explored before. He poured his heart and soul into the project, determined to capture the essence of his grandmother’s captivating storytelling. As he wrote, he felt a deep connection to her, like she was guiding his words from beyond. 

His passion lay in a different form of art – composition and design. While in high school, EN received a scholarship to study at the prestigious Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles (now California Institute of the Arts-Cal-Arts) in 1953, he discovered his knack for storytelling. He poured his heart and soul into each piece, using his skills to convey a story without words. But as he read his grandmother’s stories, he realized that perhaps words were the missing piece in his artistic puzzle.

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Victory of Love Over Struggle

Through the trials of war, Love’s persistence shows how strong people are and how they can get through hard times.

War's Impact on Humanity

Wars show how deeply people feel and how long they have been searching for peace, understanding, and kindness.

Family Bonds in Destruction

In times of war, family is a bright spot that brings people together and gives them hope

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